
Hello all, and be welcome to Asura Gallery. I'm mostly known out there as Anamura.

But this part is not just to talk about me, but more about the gallery and its motivation.

I've always had interest for ancient cultures, and the day I adquired an erhu (chinese violin) my inclination for asian cultures became stronger. But I don't want to forget all other ancient cultures that inspire me, such as egyptian, american, greek, and many others. Also, fantasy has always been my favourite genre in literature. It is beautiful to see artworks inspired in fantasy literature, and being myself an author of one, I just can't let that out. And finally, of course, as the one compilating and creating a theory based in research and talking with the artists about scientific art, it is something I also can't let out.

I've had a very good experience working in an art gallery, and that's why I said myself, why not to try to make my own gallery? This way, I would find more artworks that fascinate me and also I will be able to help those artists. But of course, not only painting, but all arts, including music, film and even videogames.

What to say about the name? Asura is a mythological creature from indian texts. From period to period, they can be benevolent or evil. But sincerely, I've chosen this name because I like it.

I hope to change this line someday. For obvious reasons, the gallery only can be online. But my wish is that someday I will be able to stablish as a physical gallery, where I would be able to do what a normal gallery do: exhibite and sell artworks. Helping artists to get a career. Helping to build the future of art history. In a world where concept art and abstract art is the most considered, we are forgetting other styles and genres that should be, at least, equally valoured.

This is my idea, but to make this idea a reality, I need you all. If you think your artwork deserves to be exposed, feel free to contact me, and we will talk. Thank you.